Community Event Attendance Request

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Day-Time Phone Number

Name of Event

Address of Event

City State Zip

PLEASE NOTE: We request at least two weeks' advance notice to schedule a community event.

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Start Time End Time

Number of People Expected

Other County Agencies that will be in attendance

I would like a Fire Engine/Truck crew to come to my event
Crews who visit sites remain in service and must be able to enter and exit the location quickly.

I would like a Community Education Specialist to set up an information booth.
Community Education Specialists can educate groups/students on a variety of topics. Please choose Community Educator if you do not need to see/meet the fire engine/truck or firefighters.

I am interested in the following safety topics. Check all that apply

Please list any special needs or considerations

Click here for Community Event Guidelines.