

Board of Directors

The Orange County Fire Authority Board of Directors has twenty-five members and sets policy according to its adopted Rules of Procedure. Twenty-three of the members represent our partner cities, and two members represent the county unincorporated area. The Board of Directors meets every month - on the fourth Thursday of the month. The Board established an Executive Committee, in addition to several other standing committees to address various policy issues. The Chair of the Board, on an annual or as needed basis, makes appointments to the Committees.

  Agenda & Schedules

The Executive Committee conducts all business of the Authority, with the exception of policy issues, including labor relations, budget issues, and other matters specifically retained by the Board of Directors. The committee meets on a monthly basis.
The Budget and Finance Committee advises staff and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters related to financial and budget policies, development of budgets for the fire general fund and capital expenditures, designations of reserves, budget balancing measures, evaluation and development of plans to meet long-term financing needs, investment oversight, and purchasing policies. The committee meets on a monthly basis.
The Claims Settlement Committee has the authority to settle claims, lawsuits, and pre-litigation claims for amounts above $50,000,not to exceed $250,000, including insurance pool settlements, workers' compensation settlements, and the initiation and settlement of subrogation claims. Settlements of lawsuits in amounts exceeding $250,000 are approved by the Board of Directors. The committee meets on an annual basis.
The Human Resource Committee shall advise OCFA staff and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters regarding human resources policies; job class specifications, compensation programs; benefit changes and renewals; labor negotiations; staff training, development and recognition programs; succession planning; risk management and workers' compensation policies; and development of management/performance evaluation and information systems. The committee meets on a quarterly basis.
The Legislative and Public Affairs Committee is an advisory body to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors on matters related to public outreach and legislative affairs at the local, state, and federal levels. The committee meets on a quarterly basis.
The Operations Committee is an advisory body to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors on high level policy decisions related to the operations of the OCFA. The committee reviews plans for future needs of the OCFA, explores alternatives to services, and makes recommendations to support operations. The committee meets on a quarterly basis.
Board Members
Board Member Since: 1-2025